This is a little late for me to start this thread seeing as the awards are tonight but what they hey.

So my family and I always make a big deal out of the academy awards. We do ballots and my dad gives us money for whoever gets the most right. It's always been so much fun.

I thought it would be fun to list the nominations and have people choose who they thought would win each one. I'm only gonna pick best movie, actor, actress, director, & supporting actor/actress cause I won't have any idea about the other ones. Here's where you can see the nominees. Nominees

Here it goes:

Best Picture-Atonement (I only saw Juno out of the bunch but I heard this one was really good)
Best Actor-Daniel Day-Lewis, There Will Be Blood
Best Actress-Cate Blanchett (again, all I saw was Juno of the bunch but I just love Cate Blanchett)
Best Supp Actress-Ruby Dee, American Gangster
Best Supp Actor-Tom Wilkinson, Michael Clayton
Best Director-Michael Clayton

Wow, I totally winged those. I really didn't see very many movies last year...

What do ya'll think?

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw