so we were running "late" for this wedding that we were invited to, (lol, I know getting married in the same week as Christmas is bad enough)

low and behold, we had lost the invite with the address of the church...

we rang the family on the day before (Thursday) and got some details,

duh.... these were wrong
they said St So-and-so in the suburb of Such-and-such

when we got there today... ten min late..... the Church was empty....
this church happened to be a 1 min drive from the bride's parent's home so we knew as there were babies being minded there during the service we knocked on the door to get the real address...

they gave it to us,
and we drove to a second church luckily only 5 min away and arrived at a 2nd empty church now 20 min late....

getting really frazzled we now rang the family,
only then to be told the wedding is tomorrow on Saturday....

man what a day

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

The Neuroscientist: Eating glass makes you smart...do you want to see what you can learn?