Eek...I swear my friend did a similar essay on such a topic when she was majoring in English. I so wish I could remember the sources we had to use. (I typed we...b/c she left things until the last minute and I was a better researcher in the libraries than her goofy ). We were not allowed to use online sources and only trusted journals. However that was back in 1997-99 sometime.

- Superman: The Complete History: The Life and Times of the Man of Steel by Les Daniels
- The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales by Bruno Bettelheim
- Of course this is just a blog (right?) but something to get the brain juice flowing.
- Concepts about Superman and RL
- monomyth

- Popular magazine article -- I just groaned when I read the first paragraph for this one.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.