Did anyone see 48 Hour Mystery on Saturday? If not, here's a link to the website The Sugar Land Conspiracy This hit close to home seeing as I'm from Sugar Land and knew the family indirectly. I've actually kept up with the trial and everything because the dad (Kent Whitaker) goes to my church, River Pointe. The friend of Keven Whitaker who talks in the video, Brittany Barnhill, is a long time family friend of mine and her dad actually married me and my husband. My husband was friends with Kevin, the younger son, since they went to high school together. It's crazy because there are the kind of weird things you see on TV and it actually happened to people I know! Also, you can check out Bart Whitaker's blog from Death Row. Minutes Before Six Bart actually writes these letters to his dad and Kent posts them on the web. Kent is an amazing man. I don't know anyone who could still love their son and show the forgiveness that he has after everything... except for Jesus. Check it out and tell me your thoughts!

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw