This has been going around LiveJournal, and I thought it might be fun to see of my fellow FoLCs answers. Answer them if you feel so inclined!

1) What side of the heart do you draw first?

2) Can you dive without plugging your nose?

3) What color is your razor?

4) What is your blood-type?

5) Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?

6) What is a rumor someone has spread about you?

7) How do you feel about carrots?

8) How many chairs at the dining room table?

9) Which is the best spice girl?

10) Do you know what time it is?

11) Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince song?

12) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?

13) Whats your favorite kind of gum?

14)T or F: All's fair in love and war.

15) Do you have a crush on anyone?

16) Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?

17) Do you like to sleep?

18) Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings?

19) Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart?

20) Do you want a bright yellow 06 mustang?

21) What's something you've always wanted?

22) Do you have hairy legs?

24) Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?

25) Do you wear a lot of black?

26) Describe your hair.

27) Do you have Entomophobia?

28) Are you an adult?

29) Where are your best friends?

30) Do you have a tan?

31) Are you a television addict?

32) Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?

33) Are you a sugar freak?

34) Do you like orange juice?

35) What sign are you?

36) What color is your Cell Phone?

37) Where do you wish you were right now?


Here are my answers:

1) What side of the heart do you draw first?
The right

2) Can you dive without plugging your nose?
No. Actually, I can't really dive at all. Haven't mastered the "head first" part. But even when I just jump in, I have to hold my nose. *is a wimpy swimmer*

3) What color is your razor?
White and a sort of lightish teal

4) What is your blood-type?
Um... I have no idea, which is disturbing. I'll have to ask my mom.

5) Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
I don't know that want really applies here, but if it had to happen, I'd pick my husband, hands down.

6) What is a rumor someone has spread about you?
In the fourth grade everybody said I had cooties, does that count? Otherwise, I can't think of one. It's probably happened at some point, but I tend to be oblivious to things like that.

7) How do you feel about carrots?
I have no strong opinons either way.

8) How many chairs at the dining room table?

9) Which is the best spice girl?
I don't even know their names, much less their distinguishing characteristics!

10) Do you know what time it is?
2:58 am

11) Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince song?
Most of them! smile

12) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
Write a fanfic in my head. Or panic. It's a toss up.

13) Whats your favorite kind of gum?
I don't chew gum.

14)T or F: All's fair in love and war.
False. And I don't think anyone who's really been in love would claim that's true. War, I can't say.

15) Do you have a crush on anyone?
I think Taye Diggs is hot.

16) Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?
No, how can you use it correctly if you don't know the meaning? But I often come across words that I can spell and define but can't pronounce.

17) Do you like to sleep?
Oh, gosh, yes.

18) Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings?
Arizona is the only one I know of right off.

19) Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart?

20) Do you want a bright yellow 06 mustang?
Is it free? Then sure. Otherwise not really.

21) What's something you've always wanted?
A sister.

22) Do you have hairy legs?
Yep. smile Luckily my husband doesn't care.

24) Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
Lakes; I hate salt water. Although on second thought, a pool, really, considering that weird amoeba floating around.

25) Do you wear a lot of black?
Pants, but not tops.

26) Describe your hair.
Blond and rather shaggy just now

27) Do you have Entomophobia?
Huh? *looks it up* Oh, fear of insects. Depends on the type.

28) Are you an adult?
Yes, in both age and behavior. Usually.

29) Where are your best friends?
I only have one best friend (that's why it's called "best"!), and he is sleeping in the next room. But I have some really good friends scattered all over.

30) Do you have a tan?
No. Generally I'm the palest person you're going to find in the state of Florida.

31) Are you a television addict?

32) Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?
Yes, very much. Couldn't live with her, though.

33) Are you a sugar freak?
Not really.

34) Do you like orange juice?
Yes, but I don't drink it much because it has a lot of sugar.

35) What sign are you?

36) What color is your Cell Phone?
It's five years old so most of the color is worn off, but I think it was gold at one time.

37) Where do you wish you were right now?
I have a recurring wish to visit London again, but mostly I'm happy right where I am.

lisa in the sky with diamonds