Just a comment:

The simple fact that most girls start menstruating in their early teens (and maybe even earlier) means that they are physically ready to become mothers at that age. It is certainly very likely that they are not mentally or socially ready for motherhood, but they are physically ready, all right.
However, their bodies are still developing. Most doctors agree that the best age for a woman to get pregnant is her early twenties. Any earlier will potentially have a, maybe not negative, but stalling effect on the mother's bodily development. And maybe it's not that big a deal if she ends up a few centimeters shorter than she could have been, or if she ends up more prone to osteoporosis, but hey, if you can avoid it, all the better!

Apart from that, well, I don't agree with the concept of teenage pregnancy, but I certainly agree that we should support teenage mothers. A humane society should be tolerant and supportive towards everyone - and teenage mothers certainly do have enough problems as it is.

See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...