Gasp! /me lower lip wobbles.

Such a tragedy. I loved the WoT series and have to say that it was my first fandom back in the day (that would be about the time Fires of Heaven came out, I think). I even own the Big Book of Bad Art. blush

I agree with what LabRat said - it's a fantastic series, especially the first 7 or 8 books. I haven't rushed for the new installment since "PoD", but still dearly loved the series. I had hoped Mr. Jordan would be able to overcome his illness, but I guess it wasn't to be.

Peace to you, RJ, where ever you are now.

Alisha said:
I'm currently reading the 4th Wheel of Time book and I'm really enjoying the books so far.
Oh, "The Shadow Rising" was my favorite book in the series. Enjoy!