Normally I don't post about movies here but I felt this was one of those that might just pass by with out much notice. I wanted to make sure everyone at least went and checked out the plot line to see if it was something they would be interested in.

I think this movie will appeal to a lot of you. It has a bit of magic, a bit of comedy, and a lot of romance. smile It is based on Neil Gaiman's book "Stardust". I started reading the book right after I watched the movie and it doesn't follow it exactly but the main details are there. If you are a stickler for movie's being exactly like the book you may not like it.

My advise it to go see the movie first then read the book. smile

If nothing else though... go for Robert De Niro's hilarious character in the movie. This is not a meaningful movie that makes you think about serious issues but one for pure fun. So if you are looking for something light and WAFFY this is one you need to go see. smile

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!