There is more to the story on the New Zealand baby who is now like 4 months old. His name is really 4Real. When they saw the sonogram they said this is 4Real (like in we are really having a baby) but like 4Real for a name. New Zealand law does not allow a number in a name so they plan to legally name him Superman and call him 4Real. He was in their lap with a printed t-shirt that said 4REAL on it. They don't like being told what to name the kid.

Personally I think kids that get weird names should be allowed to sue their parents for court costs when they are adult and what to change their names. I don't think any kid given a stupid name should feel they have to keep it.

The ones that get me are the actors/actresses that give their children weird names like Bruce Willis and Demi Moore did. Unfortunately it somes now to be the "cool" thing in Hollywood to saddle your name with a stupid weird name. Like GP who named her kid Apple - after a stupid piece of fruit. She should have her head examined.