Does anyone else have a love/hate relationship with fireworks because of all the people in your neighborhood setting off fireworks until all hours of the night for several weeks before and after any holiday that celebrates with fireworks (it's the day before the U.S. 4th of July for me)? It wouldn't be so bad except for it's nearly midnight as I type this and the fact that each new "boom" makes my dogs Jade and Sophie start barking and my cat Clark start cowering... if we still had Bud (may his 13 year old doggie soul rest in peace) he'd be cowering under a bed, in the bathtub, or trying to squeaze under a couch (he was a golden retriever, so that wasn't very likely, but he still tried, even if he was tranquilized) in fear of the loud noises.

Don't get me wrong, I love the 4th itself and appreciate the meaning behind the holiday... but my poor dogs and cat are going nuts with each "boom" set off. And of course, with them going nuts it means we can't sleep either.

The only funny thing is that my 16 year old cat Ashes just sits on the back of the couch and looks at the other animals as if they've lost their minds.

From Pheremone, My Lovely:

Clark: Lois! Please! Get a grip!
Lois: Believe me, I’d love to!