If you're seeing this post, then you're not one of those experiencing the problem! wink

But, just in case you're in contact with someone who is, we just wanted to let everyone know that we're aware that some people, when they try to access the boards, are getting a request to install Chinese language support and a series of unreadable characters. There seems to be an issue with DNS, and for some reason it's only affecting some people.

Annette's raised a fault report with our webhost and is waiting for a response... so tell anyone you know in this situation to sit tight and we'll get it sorted as soon as possible.

End of community service announcement smile

ETA: Update

Annette has been talking to our webhost and he is trying to work on the problem.

Webhost: there is something MAJOR messed up with DNS on the internet today. For example GTEI's DNS's are poisoned with chinese web site data...
Webhost: are you configured for a server assigned DNS or do you hard set it?
AMCiotola: I'm guessing assigned?
AMCiotola: it's weird because some people see the boards, others dont
AMCiotola: I can log on to the FTP fine but not the web
Webhost: thats what i mean...
Webhost: some dns's are poisoned
Webhost: its all messed up, but its not here...
AMCiotola: so we've got to wait this out ...
Webhost: i think so but... i'll check around to see if i can do anything

Will update as more information becomes available.

Wendy smile
Boards Admin Team

Just a fly-by! *waves*