
Last fall we had a three foot tall tarragon bush in the back yard. We had just moved in to the house and never had time to take care of the yard before the winter, so the bush ended up being covered totally in snow. The snow was quite deep all around. At least four feet deep around and a foot or more on top.

Once the snow melted the tarragon bush was all dried up and dead (root was fine) because we did not harvest.

We cut the dead off and was just left with the roots in place.

Now a few months later, we have found that we have about two feet high of growth. However, it looks much different than the bush we were left with. In the fall it looked like this...perhaps the growth was a bit darker:
[Linked Image]

Now we are left with a plant that has leaves that are totally different. I do not have a picture at the moment, but I will try my best to describe.

They are wider than those above. About four to five times wider. They are also a sickly light coloured green with a mild white stripe in the middle. The leaves are a bit wrinkly.

Are these some sort of 'young leaves' that will leave and something more mature will take its place? Or instead they will morph into a different type of leaf?

I have tried to find pictures online using Google, but I have had no luck. I have found references to 'young leaves' in terms of using French tarragon for cooking, but I am clueless as to what that is.

Does anyone have any advise or info that could help me figure out why the bush looks so odd? It is not pretty anymore! Did we wreck it?

If posting a picture of what it looks like now helps, please let me know.

Sorry, I have to rush off. Husand wants to eat dinner now.


I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.