If Clark had been female I think I would have named her Lois... my Clark is wonderful at getting into trouble and at times dangles over the jaws of death...

...He climbs from an apple tree onto the roof of the back addition to the house so he can look in the window upstairs (part of the original house) and see the birds that our tenants have. About two weeks ago he managed to break through the screen so he could go after the birds. The cage was big enough though so that they could huddle in the center and Clark's little legs and claws couldn't reach them thankfully...

...he popped the air pillow thing that's meant to float in the pool over the winter and now that it's too warm for ice he walks down the cover to splash in the water that's accumulated...

...he just narrowly missed getting hit by a car last week after he darted out in front of it...

...he climbs in the shower after you're done to play with the water droplets rolling down the wall...

...he drops his toys in the dogs' water dishes and then runs around the house with soggy stuffed mice...

...he brings live mice into the house and kills them inside (Look Mom! I'm a good hunter!)...

...he surprise attacks my 16 year old cat Ashes and she royally kicks his behind...

From Pheremone, My Lovely:

Clark: Lois! Please! Get a grip!
Lois: Believe me, I’d love to!