we have just adopted our new baby, who is a 6 week old Maltese/Jack-Russel cross, whom my sister has named Gabriella....

my sis was a bit of a B***h on mother's day, when she kept going on that the dog would get infected from the Parvo virus if the dog was touched by my cousin...stotal bull *&^* as the rates of infection and my cous has no contact with dogs....
.... so my mum and I teased my sis that the dog's name was Parvo...

anyway I like it, but dad hates it.... he says; you wouldn't want a child named rubella/emphasema/myocardia/urethra... (forgoing all the old-wives-tales of children named Vagina etc.)

we were trying to find lists of weird pet names
such as a friend's Great Dane called "Todo" (think WIz/Oz)
or how many cats and dogs do you know called "Big-Bird" and "Snuffleuppogous"

how bout u guys...
know any weird pet names

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