Well, I got a "new" one. New to me, anyway. Old and slow enough to handle the limited power from this comp, but with twice the memory and a considerably better processor than the old one. Comp works much better now.

(My 100 year old grandfather, after seeing me install the new card: "I see you can fix the internet, too. And all by yourself!" If only I could put that on my resume... wink )

So now the question is... what do I do with the old one? It's a 64MB nVidia GeForce2 GTS. Pretty good (if not top of the line) 7 years ago. Now... there are a bunch of them listed on eBay for about $10 each, and only one actually has a bidder. There are plenty of sites willing to sell them for more (I got my new one for $40), but none that I can find willing to buy just one graphics card.

I don't want to just toss it in the trash if I can avoid it, but I'm running short on alternatives.

Any suggestions?

Anyone need a really old graphics card? Know someone who does? Know of a place that buys them? Anything?


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.