On MSN with Lara one day I convinced her to get a Lois Bunny and she convinced me to get at Lois and Clark bear and dress both of them up as Lois and Clark. Well now I'm here to display them to the world!

I got them from a store called Build a Bear Workshop and basically you can choose a bear or any other animal you like have them fill with stuffing, add a heart, make up a birth certificate for the bear and dress them. The URL above is for the US store but you can get your country's links by looking under international locations. Okay I'll stop babbling so without further ado I present my Lois and Clark bears!

Lois Bear (in as professional an outfit I can find for her)

[Linked Image]

Clark Bear (in surgical scrubs like in Target: Jimmy Olsen)

[Linked Image]

and Lois and Clark as a bride and groom.

[Linked Image]

I also go a Spike outfit and Suit and tie for Clark and a poodle skirt set for Lois. Just waiting for them to ship in the Superman costume!

Hope you like them as much as I do!

PS not sure if this was the right location for this topic.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller