Loving with all your ... brain

By Elizabeth Cohen
CNN Medical Correspondent
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(CNN) -- Close your eyes for a minute and envision all the romantic parts of the human body.

Her beautiful eyes. His strong shoulders. We'll stop there, but you go right ahead and think about all the body parts you want.

Bet you didn't think about the caudate and the ventral tegmental areas, did you?

These areas of the brain, while little known to most people, are helping scientists explain the physiological reasons behind why we feel what we feel when we fall in love.

By studying MRI brain scans of people newly in love, scientists are learning a lot about the science of love: Why love is so powerful, and why being rejected is so horribly painful.

This might interest some of you. I thought it was fascinating.

Happy V-day,


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan