Well, for the heck of it, I counted up last night. Unless I'm forgetting someone, I've met 34 FoLCs over the last seven years. One of them was even male. Some of them, I've seen more than once. There are a few more (four, I think) I've spoken with over the phone, too. Oh, and one whom I didn't get to actually meet or even speak to, but for whom I left a little package at a hotel. So, if you want to count them, that's 39.

It started with the penultimate NEFF, which happened to be in Boston when I was going to school there. I'd been involved in the fandom for a few years, but that was my first opportunity to actually meet people. Over my parents' objections, I grabbed it. So, somewhere out there, there's a video of me as Clark in the beginnings of a shoestring budget reshoot of GGGoH (that time, Jonathan really *was* a cross-dresser!), an audio recording of me making an idiot of myself talking to Tim Minear on the phone, and pictures of the one and only time (well, twice if you count my putting the ensemble together the night before) I dressed up as HatMan (complete with mask, beanie copter, and fluffy slippers... but, sadly, no cape). That last was, of course, at the costume party. Also in attendence (among others) were Ultra Woman, Supergirl, Dr. Klein, Lois "pregnant" with a basketball, Lois as Larry the chop shop guy, the Newtrich sisters, Phil (of Exotic Pet Palace fame, complete with frog), a couple of "extras standing next to the invisible man," and, my personal favorite, the "Top Banana" (complete with Del Monte sticker).

I met a dozen FoLCs that weekend (including one who'd flown in from Israel). People who liked at least some of the same things I did. People I'd seen online. Authors whose stories I'd read and enjoyed. Old friends and new. It's the only formal FoLC Fest I've ever attended, but I had a blast.

Since then, I've taken more than one trip that involved driving a couple hundred miles by myself, solely for the purpose of seeing FoLCs (some of whom I'd met before, some of whom I was going specifically to meet). One of those trips was the Boston one Kaylle mentioned. Another was to attend a wedding (FoLC bride, a couple of FoLC bridesmaids, and a couple of FoLC guests).

Other times, I've just happened to be in the right area. My grandfather's place in Florida just happens to be pretty close to the city where Queen of the Capes used to live. When I took a trip to Australia last year, Tricia took some time away to meet up with me.

I met Sara Kraft when, on her way out to Europe, she stayed over with my family.

I've also flown across the country to attend the aforementioned WAFF. That was a week, my record so far for longest duration.

Along the way, I've also met several FoLCs by association (not included in the above count). Husbands, brothers. A former roommate (still on my LJ flist). Other family and friends at the wedding.

I just keep my eyes open for opportunities. Sometimes, I make the opportunities. It's well worth it. FoLCs are some of the coolest people around. And they're around in quite a few places. Whenever I go somewhere new, I stop and wonder if I know anyone there. I've met FoLCs from around the country. I've met FoLCs from four different continents. I hope to meet still more.

Of course, like Kaylle said, there are FoLCs out there with much more impressive claims. Heck, anyone who attended LAFF in its heyday could easily dwarf my totals. But it's not about the numbers. It's all about meeting friends and having fun.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.