Well... it's Friday here, so I figured, what the heck. wink

I'm starting to work again in the morning. I can't sleep, I'm this close to having a full blown anxiety attack over this. I'm excited, but this new position is a real big challenge and - well, they *created* the position just for me, so I'm flipping out here cause I keep thinking I'm just not going to be up to it. I'm such a mess!!!

On the bright side - after so many weeks of waiting for it, we finally got to see that kiss scene in Smallvile. And OMG was it ever worth it. hehehe! smile

So, I'm a worried mess, but with a huge smile on. Go figure. *lol*

I hope you guys all have a *wonderful* Friday!! (I might, if I could only get some sleep...)

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies