Yahoo has been having a lot of problems in the past month or so. Overzealous spam filters were blocking huge chunks of incoming and outgoing mail, and, last I heard, they were working to fix it. Perhaps this is the next stage.

I don't know. I haven't trusted Yahoo in years. Had too many privacy issues with them in too short a time. Like when they sold my address to a bunch of spammers and didn't get around to telling me that they'd changed their privacy policy until nearly a month later. And the thing with the web beacons (tracking cookies) that first came to my attention around the same time, where they tracked my browsing without telling me, hid the opt-out link, and then made a tricky button designed to look like a confirmation when it actually canceled the opt-out request.

Then I had trouble with the ficlist, where they suddenly started blocking mail from their own mailing lists for no good reason, and another friend had to stop using her account entirely because mail delivery had become too unreliable.

If I were you, I'd suggest switching to another webmail provider.,, and (in that order) are, IMO, more reliable options.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.