I was talking with a friend the other day about her difficulty with time management and remembering *any* appointment, date, etc. Writing it down doesn't work because she forgets to check it. She also doesn't have a good sense of time (i.e. "has it been 10 minutes, 20 minutes?") and sometimes reads the clock wrong. For reading it wrong, I figure a talking watch would probably suit her (as it has others with the same difficulties). However, that does nothing for the problem of missed appointments and important dates and such.

My question is, does anyone know of a personal assistant type of item that could be used to input appointments, meetings, and important dates, and give the alert to her by playing back a voice memo that she recorded (or that a voice would "read")? As "everything beeps" nowadays, she tunes out most any beep or ringtone she hears and would need something actually talking at her. I don't think we could *afford* anything we found, really, but it would be nice to know what sort of thing she should aim for when she can afford stuff.

Don't point. You make holes in the air and the faeries escape.