
I have thought about you often - today in fact, as I watched your last vid "SavinMe" for some inspiration (and wondering what vids you were working on that I would never see... particularly *cough*MyAll*cough* and *ahem*RightHere*ahem*) but enough pestering you about that... you're here!!!



Thank you, thank you, for coming back. As a tribute to you, I've delved more deeply into the dark side of writing while you were gone (and even ventured into the nfic side of things.) A few people even nick-named me the Empress of Evil... tee hee... but not the Queen, that honor belongs to Sue S.... oh and to you of course.

So, hail the evil Queen of vids - sound trumpets at her return! wink

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.