1. What do you think women would say are three things important to their well-being?

Support from a loved one

2. What do you think women would say are three hindrances to women in the workplace?

I have not encountered any so, I can’t go on that.

Having to buy more clothes :p Sometimes I wish I had ‘girl’ suits.

Idea that women are more ‘emotional’.
Quickly labelled as a you know what that starts with a B, where a guy may just be called something more positive because that trait is more acceptable in males.
Having to decide on whether to have many mat leaves or stick to the career thing to keep in the race with the guys for the same goal, whatever that may be.

3. What do you think women would say are three ways that women's needs change throughout the stages of their lives?

I’m not sure how to answer that…

Food intake sort of thought or ?

4. Do they change?

What is ‘do’? And I’m assuming this is in context to #3?

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.