I've notied certain trends in naming children...
in my family about (give or take 1 or 2) out of 22 grandchildren on my mothers side...we can all trace our names to an ancestor 2,3, or 4 generations back... whether it is an adapted version such as Roslyn Vs Rose, or John Vs Johanna, micheal vs micheala and philip vs philipa etc.

Ive noticed similar trends in Fanfic... and just sort of got curious as to what you guys thought of the issue

recently (in the dentist's waiting room... the only place i read thse mags) i read about a certain actress who named her children:

Apple (for its wholesome, pure and BIBLICAL nature- now i dont know how she read the bible but the apple in question caused some mighty upheaval)
and her 2nd child---Moses... surprising not for its biblical connections but her Husband;s song
As Moses had power over the sea
So you (my darling) have power over me

im not sure the exact lyrics but you get the gist

i love the continuing saga versions with L and C as a family + kids, and i guess a big part of that is names

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