Mom just got out of surgery. She's got ovarian cancer, only now sans ovaries. She had cancer on one, and a more-than-half-a-kilo tumor on the other, which was pressing against her colon. It was actually attached, but they were able to remove it without problems. She had fibroids on her uterus, too, so they removed it as well. The breast cancer was small and easy to remove because they caught it extremely early. I don't know anything about her gallbladder yet, though.

She's going to have to have chemo, but they're talking only once a month, so it won't be as bad as it could be. They think they got all the cancer. Thanks for your prayers, y'all. She's still going to need them, if y'all don't mind.

Thanks, y'all.


“Rules only make sense if they are both kept and broken. Breaking the rule is one way of observing it.”
--Thomas Moore

"Keep an open mind, I always say. Drives sensible people mad, I know, but what did we ever get from sensible people? Not poetry or art or music, that's for sure."
--Charles de Lint, Someplace to Be Flying