Well I’m off to England in June. The last time I was there I had my eleventh birthday…I think I was there for six weeks.

However my second visit did not begin out of great circumstances, but I plan to have fun as my granddad wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. He passed away two weeks ago today. I’m actually surprised that these are his wishes, that is to be brought back to England. I’m staying quiet on that as my Nana is impossible and drives me nuts. I’m going over the pond with my Nana and my husband to take his ashes to be with her family in Horwich. My mum isn’t in the city and I know she wouldn’t go, so I’m going.

I only get to be there ten days which includes travel time. I plan to be staying in Horwich and Nottingham with some of my relatives and we will visit my husband’s crew around London and just to walk around in his dad’s hometown of Rainhill. I feel bad as I won’t get to see all his or mine, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

I think I’m crazy for going only a bit, but it isn’t an option to stay longer. I hope to get some good eats in, visit some people (even though I’m horribly shy), my husband wants to visit some shop in Nottingham that deals with this sort of thing. What a coincidence - a hobbie that he’s into…and he happens to be going to the city where the HQ are! I’m craving a good pair of Docs. I have silly feet so I can’t order off the net and I can’t find a pair I like in Winnipeg, Calgary or Edmonton. I’ve always wanted a military style jacket. My old pen pals had many…well perhaps I am dellusional in thinking I can find one, but hey I might as well give myself a challenge while there.

Gee, I’ve always wanted a good kilt…one my Nana hasn’t picked out for me. I know I won't get one, but this trip brings back memories. UGH, those were *bad* days. I have pictures to prove it. I asked for one like my mum’s just before they left on several trips. Pardon, but I cannot remember the name of the one I liked, but it was basically dark blue and black…I got this horrid bright red one with black, yellow…I looked like a clown. Out of ten kilts we have, I only like two and I can't wear them due to their icky sizing. They asked me what I wanted from there...

Whenever my Grandparents went back to England my small family would get cool stuff, except me. I once was given a hat made out of jean material with buttons of places in the States. THE STATES?! You went to England...from Canada. Why?? It was the most horrid thing ever! Well I did get a Manchester United sweater, or I guess I should say jersey…however that was miles too big! I just can’t win. I once was given a lace tablecloth as a teenager - why I’ll never know…save it for ten years until I get my own place and let it sit in the cupboard? My brother once got way cool gadgets and my husband was given a cool old gnome (he collects)... I got underwear from Marks and Spencers.

Yet, my family tells me I'm their favourite. goofy They are delusional like me <**wooo military jacket**>. I should break that trait.

I’m groaning though because we have to go via Air Canada - well I might as well kiss my luggage goodbye!!! I won’t go into that mess. I have always had a love for airplanes and was never scared before…but I’m actually secretly wishing I do not have to go as I have developed a small fear of flying in the past few year. I guess because of all the TV watching…crazy CNN….

Ugh, I didn’t have a dad after I was five so my Granddad tried his best to help me learn to skate, play hockey, baseball. He always wanted me just to be a Canadian kid. Trouble is I was the first one in my family, just like many others. I love how Mike Myers described his family while he was growing up with the whole British/Canadian dynamic. This is also my first family death I’ve had to deal with not including my long time bud Sally the dog who I had since I was ten. I really hope they don’t get all sappy on me.


Gee, I said a lot! Sorry!!!! I was just going to ask if anyone knows any cool shops I could visit in and around Nottingham, Bolton, Liverpool, Blackpool…I’ll take any sort of suggestion. I guess I should put specifics in this post as to where I’ll be, but I don’t have that at the moment. Only what I have above. I thought it would be worth a shot - you never know. I don’t want to go to the horrid tourist traps and spend my time in a line up. I just want to wander around and stay out of the bad ends and not get jumped.

Well I hear the anthem being played…have to go and watch game one of the Habs and the Hurricanes.

Later smile

EDIT - Not even five minutes in and Montreal got scored on geeeeeesh! What a way to begin a Saturday night.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.