I've taken MBTI and other similar tests recently as part of my studies for a professional qualification in employment counselling. It's probably partly a cultural thing - these tests are not as common in the UK and Ireland - but I have very little time for them.

Why? Because they pigeonhole people. Because the questions make you choose between options where perhaps neither option is applicable. Or perhaps both is. Or perhaps it depends on circumstances. Because I think the tests are unreliable - I've taken MBTI three times in the past six months, answered as honestly as I could all three times, and come out with different responses each time.

And because I hate pigeonholing people. wink

I'm an individual, not a type, and I hope that when I start counselling people as my job I will take that attitude with every client I have. I won't try to fit them into boxes. I'll look at them as fully-rounded individuals, starting from them and not from a four-letter code.

Just MHO goofy

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*