goofy I also had "Happy Birthday" sung to me by my friends in three languages. Also, last year this time I wasn't quite so stressed about school because my wonderful, wonderful school, my first choice, granted me early acceptance in January so I wasn't worried about getting into university. Plus I'd dropped calculus. laugh

It hasn't been a great day for me so far. I learned today that one of my high school English teachers, who I really liked, passed away five days ago. frown I was especially sad because he had just retired a year or two ago, and he got sick quite soon after his retirement, which I had no idea about. He was awesome because he never assigned too much work (less work for us=less work for him), he liked using our "kid language" to hilarious effect ("Let's just *chill* today", he'd say), and he really was a good teacher. He was fun and funny, and he never took crap from anyone. He liked my work, which I really appreciated. He also invited me to drop in on his grade 12 class anytime I wanted when I was in grade 11 because he knew I liked some boy there. He wished me good luck on all my endeavours - "academic and otherwise" - in my yearbook. He was aweomse. So rest in peace, Mr. K.

Then at 4AM this morning we were waken up by the fire alarm because some incredibly stupid (and probably drunk and potentially high) people on the 6th floor did goodness-knows-what. I wasn't really awake yet and I wasn't thinking straight - so I stepped out into the blistering cold in my fleece robe and flip flops. It started snowing lightly, which was pretty at first, but I couldn't appreciate it after I lost feeling in my toes. We had to trek to the University Community Centre and wait for an hour and a half before we could go back. While I was sleeping with my head down on a table there, a group of disgustingly racist people were having a really offensive conversation that I unfortunately had to overhear. It just bothers me so much that such attitudes exist in an institution of higher learning. mad Plus I was *right beside* them! I mean, everyone's entitled to an opinion, even rude ones (I think Donatella Versace looks like someone stepped on her face, for example), but when it's potentially offensive (and outright politcally incorrect), they should keep it to themselves, you know? Or at least not discuss it when someone who could be offended is nearby, like I was.

Over the past year, I've learned and done quite a bit. I've graduated from high school, begun attending university, joined my sorority, visited Europe for the second time, started to write my first fanfic... I've learned exactly how well and how not well I can handle myself living away from home (I'm queen of a place called Procrasti Nation goofy ), and I've enjoyed pretending to be self-sufficient and grown-up without having any real responsiblities besides getting decent grades and keeping myself alive, like most collegians.

However, I do feel very responsible and mature for choosing to finish my work instead of celebrating my birthday, which can wait. I mean, I had four parties last year, which stretched well into April, so I can do the same this year.

Okay, the Haagen-Daz is finished, which only means one thing: it's time to get back to work!

Have a good one, everyone, and thanks for reading this if you're still with me! thumbsup

Chriscy smile