Wow! Thank you all! It's so kind of you to remember!

I'm actually away in Ottawa right now - with Kaethel and Elena - enjoying Winterlude. And severely cold temperatures: -14C this morning when we set off out. That's 7F. Brrr!!!

Tricia, do you really want to win friends and influence people where I'm concerned? razz

I can't say right now when or if I'll be inspired to write more L&C - at the moment I just feel stale, but then I have written kind of a lot of fics! My muse insists that she wants to write Doctor Who fics, and since I haven't written as much so quickly in ages I'm indulging her. As for the future, we'll see!

Thanks for all the good wishes, everyone. notworthy

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*