Hi FoLCs wave

Gee, I have been missing you lots. Here am I in this freezing to death country (at least for this braz) wishing everybody is fine.

I havent had acess to internet lately and I am very lucky to have it for the next 5 minutes lol

I cant acess my e-mail nor the boards amd it has been for a while now without any predictions of return.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm fine and that I have been very busy here in London. But... I havent forgotten you. I've made two videos (one for the fundraising project and one to be posted, God knows when.

Sara, If you're out there, I'm struggling to find a way to send you the video I made. I've changed the song to another one which the squirrel knows and can tell you about. I did that because i can't download episodes at the moment and with the few I had, I could make this really nice one. I hope you like it.

To you all, my heart. I am missing you guys a lot.

Barks and Licks from London.

MDL. devil

"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."