No more Smallville for two weeks it seems. But that isn't necessarily such a bad thing, considering what was happening in 'Solitude'.

All those little Chloe/Lois scenes were a great addition to yesterday's episode and it really helped to shift the focus a bit from the Clark/Prof. Fine plot. While I really liked both of them in the past, those plot left me disappointed. Prof. Fine tricking Clark into destroying his fortress of solitude was clever but then simply turning his back on him with only a piece of Kryptonite on his chest? And here I thought some artificial intelligence would be much more clever :rolleyes:
But was this the whole showdown with 'the Brainiac'? I haven't read the comics but if that's it, the Smallville producers did a poor job of translating it into their show. Not even James Marsters could save that!

What I haven't mentioned yet is the part around Martha's disease and what her death could have meant for Clark. In my opinion her cheat with him on her deathbed was a waste as she's living on anyway. I'm actually pretty glad that it turned out this way, as the idea of Clark only relying on Jonathan as a parent would do little good on him. Jonathan is a very impulsive and prejudiced person and he apparently shows no hesitation in teaching Clark the same values and manners. There always was a voice of reason in form of Martha, that's what the show has needed in the past 5 seasons and I don't want to imagine what would happen if that changed.