Overall the worst episode of this season, only 2/10 points from me.

There were a few rays of hope during the episode, like Professor Fine appearing in the Luthor mansion to stop Clark from killing Lana or the hospital-scene between Clark and Chloe with some sweet dialogue. That little interplay (of powers) was probably the best part of this whole episode - and it only lasted a minute.

Well, to begin with Clark getting a paranoid vibe, that storyline coincidences with a season 2 (?) plot where Chloe was doing business with Lionel. This time, under the influence of silver cryptonite, Clark sees all his family and friends on the wrong side again. Looks to me a bit like idea-recycling.
I'm actually pretty disappointed how fast he got violent. Just imagine, he shoved and strangled Martha, Jonathan, Lex, Lana and Prof. Fine in a single 40 minutes of air-time. Did I forget anyone? His first sentence to Lana in the hospital, "Lana, you know I would never do anything to hurt you" ... ****ing hilarious huh

Then there's one thing which is nagging on my mind, some quote from Chloe: "I'd die before I ever betray you". I can't help but get a feeling that exactly this may happen in the 100th episode; there are hundreds of theories out there and this quote may feed a few more.

So what did you think about that one? I'm actually desperately looking forward to next week's episode with Prof. Fine again as that's the only enjoyable part of Smallville at the moment.