This one didn't bother me as much as last week's episode, despite the fact that I can no longer delude myself that Clark and Lana are really no more than bowling partners. I was surprised to find them sleeping together in Clark's bed. Did they really expect to get away with that? That morning after scene, with Papa Kent all outraged and Mama Kent doing the rational "I hope you were careful" routine was cute.

The best part of the show; John Glover as Jor-El. Awesome!! I've never been as big of a John Glover fan as many in the Smallville fandom seem to be. His hair drives me crazy. But last night he earned my approval big time. What great acting - how completely different his portrayal of Jor-El was than Lionel Luthor. Which was key, because Clark could have very well not wanted to listen to a word Jor-El/Papa Luthor had to say thinking something was amiss. But the way JG played the scene, there was no doubt he was being controlled by the spirit of Jor-El.

Let's place bets right now. I say Jonathan will be the one to bite the dust. Despite my fervant prayers, we all know that Lana will be the last woman standing if the entire universe explodes, so I'm not going to hold my breath.

Okay, the scene after Clark comes back to life and he's standing in the hallway in his torn clothes, all dirty and whooped looking after stopping the missile. Lana finally sees that he's alive, and I'll confess I had a brief "Aaawww!" moment (the only one I've ever had where Lana and Clark are concerned). Except, I kept saying "How's Clark going to explain this?"

There is no way in the world he could ever offer up a reasonable explanation for the situation. You see, Lana, I wasn't really dead. I was only mostly dead. So Miracle Max made me a chocolate-covered magic pill that brought me fully back to my old self, except it blew all my clothes to smithereens. Honest.

And wouldn't she expect him to be weak and maybe, perhaps, needing to go back to the hospital? How would he brush that off?

Then Lana showing up at Lex's place? Total WTF moment. It felt like a scene that had been taken from a completely different episode.

I'm actually feeling really sorry for Lex. Between Lana's idiocy and Lionel's sudden recovery and complete indifference toward all the goings-on of late, the guy has to be so confused. No wonder he turns to evil. The good people of the world are so screwed up it's no wonder he'd want nothing to do with them. I'm not sure I like this approach of forcing Lex to the dark side simply because so many people are messing with his mind. I would imagine having Lionel Luthor as a father and role model is quite enough.

Once again, Chloe totally rocked. The scene at the end, when she tells Clark that she liked being the only one to know about him but advised him to confess to Lana, what a great friend. She is quickly becoming the reason to watch the show.

And of course we are left to wonder if Clark will now break up entirely with Lana or if he will just find lame excuses why they can't have a physical relationship. I mean, I'm guessing he'll avoid having sex with her now, right? Not even because of the super-powers thing but because he'd never be able to explain the lack of a bullet wound scar.

So we've come full circle, just like at the end of Season 2. Clark and Lana finally get together and have a relationship that lasts all of two episodes. Yet they will now paint this as The Perfect and Most Tragic Romance In All of Human History. Move aside Romeo and Juliet, Lancelot and Guinevere, Angel and Buffy. Clark and Lana have arrived.

Next week, Aquaman and the return of Lois. WooHoo!


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah