What's up.

So I made it home this afternoon. I finally got my internet working during these wee hours <g>. There wasn't quite as much hurricane damage as I expected...although I don't live downtown; it's probably a mess there. Several windows blew out in my apartment, and I'm absolutely shocked that they were replaced in the week I was gone. Others in my building weren't so lucky (i.e. tree damage), so I'm counting my blessings. Lots and lots of trees down, but many have already been cut up and are waiting to get picked up. I stopped by my parent's house, and they have, among other things, power lines down in their front yard. No major damage, though.

We had a couple of tornado warnings in Georgia, so we hid in the basement for a while, but nothing came out of that during the evacuation week. The only major hassle was they starting gouging the gas prices in our area of Georgia, and it got up to 6+ dollars a gallon. Cops were showing up all over the stations to regulate.

It's still kind of a mad house down here. My city, among others, has been all over CNN and such mainly because of gas shortage and lack of supplies (i.e. ice, water). For a while, people were showing up at the gas stations with guns and such. Some people even tried to hijack a gas tanker that was bringing gas to one of the stations. But now that there's no gas, well, crazy people aren't much of a problem for now.

A lot of the city got power back today, which was surprising. It was a lot worse with Ivan last year.

So that's about it, I think. The city is still kind of a mess, so we have a curfew here every night. All in all, it could have been a lot worse. Several friends of mine no longer have houses in both Mississippi and Louisiana.

Anyway, enough chatter. I should get to bed soon since our first school make-up day is tomorrow (formerly a school holiday).


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy