Hello all,

I just had my 28th birthday. Egad. We had cake at work and slacked for about 1/2 hr which was great b/c we didn't feel like being in our cubes. I shared cake day with a fellow employee who's birthday happened while she was away on holiday. We were the cake girls that day. smile

Later that day, my fellow cake girl was approached by a person in the dept next to us. She thought I just turned 18 or 19 and the other cake girl turned 21. Boy was she off.

I then thought about who and where I was when I was 18. I cannot believe the time that has gone by. I know I am still young by some people's standards...I think I'm still young.

My ramblings have a point - does time seem to fly by faster as you get older? It sometimes frightens me to think that the next 10 years of my life might go just as fast. I do hope I can fill it with more fun and memorable stuff than the past chunk. That would be wonderful.

What are everyone's thoughts on the whole time flying by idea?

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.