I am glad you guys are all ok. I was horrified by the news.

I know how it felt when 9-11 happened in America. I felt it hard being a New Yorker. We all new someone who was killed or new family of people who had lost someone.

I am sure you are all going through a similar experience. It is a shock and scary and depressing as hell. The only thing you can do is try to get back to as much normalcy as possible.

But if you are having trouble sleeping, eating, crying or feeling hopeless, sad or numb, that is depression caused by the event. It is very common after an attack of this type. There is help and hope for these feelings. If it persist call your Doctor. Right now it is new and the shcok will be with you for a few weeks. See how it goes after that.

My prayers are with all of you. For the little bit of evil that is in the world, just remember there is much more good. Just look at the response of all the fire fighters, emergency workers, police and the community. God bless them! Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"