Elisabeth started having light contractions (not Braxton-Hicks) at 1am on the 29th.

Since we have our children at home, we called our Doula (birthing assistant) to come over. Actually, Elisabeth called her without waking me up. She way too thoughtful of my needs at times, sigh.

Anyway, Grandma and Grandpa Smith arrived around 6am to pick up the kids and then they were gone and we were set.

And we waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited.
The contractions never became really strong and only once or twice did Elisabeth need to stop everything while one was happening.

Everything we tried did produce contractions, until she would sit down, and then they would lessen in strength.

Around 7pm our Doula(who also found out 5 hours earlier that her son's apartment building had caught on fire!) suggested that we have the Grandparents bring Trinity, the youngest, home so that we could try some nursing stimulation, which has been quite/very successful in other cases.

Nothing happened except that Elisabeth and Trinity fell asleep together.

Around 9pm, the contractions completely stalled.

As of 7am this morning, there have been no contractions.


However, we do want this birth to happen on God's timing and not ours, so we wait...

Pray for patience and endurance.

Thank you.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!