Anyone who's been on IRC lately knows there's been quite a few conversations on Star Wars; as I write, the topic yet contains Darth Vader. Coincidentally, last night a friend sent me this link , which is to a site with a very funny video promoting organic veggies. Even having not watched Star Wars myself, I still got a lot of the references, which cracked me up. The creators must have had a lot of fun--the actors are really vegetables, no animation! How they managed to rig it all up to work right . . .

Following a link on that site led me to this site , which was also amusing, though it was animated, not like Store Wars. And considering that that is promoting family farms instead of factory farms, I'm seeing a pattern . . .

Anyway, I thought someone might enjoy seeing Store Wars if they hadn't before, especially if they get all the references. wink

Don't point. You make holes in the air and the faeries escape.