Yes, Tank. Paul knows it's his birthday. Paul isn't sure how he feels about that, though. Paul just made the jump from mid-20's to late 20's, which isn't really that old, but is a jump that's going to take a little getting used to.

In any case, Paul did get some good ice cream cake with a pleasant dinner out, and Paul is very much of the belief that (unless you're lactose intolerant or something) ice cream is almost always a good thing. Paul especially feels that in this case, as the restaurant's air conditioning was broken today. "Yet another of the myriad of life's problems which can be solved with ice cream," Paul thought.

Paul also appreciates the good wishes from everyone, and may or may not be back later for a more expansive thank you. He may or may not respond in the first person at that time. He also may or may not bring party hats for the half of the dancing spots who appear to be lacking in that department.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.