It belatedly occurred to me that as others were mentioning their usernames on other forums, alongside this one, I actually had something new to contribute. laugh


I'm Albion on my Stargate forum and among the general SG1 community. I had spent some time searching the net for names of gods and goddesses that had Scots or Celtic roots and then finally just decided to go with that.

I'm dklabrat on Yahoo and Ebay - just because LabRat was already taken and Doc Klein's LabRat was too long.

During the firefighters' strike here in the UK, a bit back, I was Battleaxe laugh on the campaign forum. Self-explanatory really. Was kind of proud of that one. goofy

And I recently joined a gardening mbs. I love pottering around the garden in the summer and would love to be more knowledgeable, but know zip about the subject. So thought I'd join a group that has expert knowledge and use them as a sounding board. Isn't the net a wonderful thing?

It's paid off already in that I was finally able to identify one of my favourite plants in my garden - had been trying to find out what it was on and off for years on the net without any luck. But those guys nailed it in a day. For those interested <g> it's Andromeda Forest Flame. A species of Pieris.

Anyway, over there, I'm Greenpaws. <g> Green, for obvious reasons and..well, I'm a LabRat, so I don't have fingers. wink

Anyone else want to branch out a little and tell us what usernames they use elsewhere and why?

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers