I'm somewhat amazed that no one has started a thread on this episode yet. But operating on the assumption that you were just waiting for someone else to be first, I'll throw my hat in the ring.

I liked it. smile

As much as last week's episode had me rolling my eyes and wanting to throw things at the TV for bad writing, this one had me sitting forward on the couch grinning. It doesn't send me into peals of delight like a similar-themed "Lois & Clark" episode would have, but it was darn cute.

Which is even more amazing, given how much I was dreading it. I really thought it would be stupid. I mean, *Krypto*?? Come on! But I will step up to eat those words, since I really thought this was a fun episode.

The L&C banter was fun and cute, as was the "Scooby Do" crime solving plot. I don't think TW and ED had the sexual tension that they'd had in earlier episodes of the season (the shower scene, the hair ruffle) but the bickering was fun, especially when they'd zing each other, then turn around to secretly grin. That, in turn, made me grin. smile

I also liked how Lois inserted herself into any conversation about the dog's name, just assuming that she should get an equal vote in what Clark should name him, even though it's not her house and she presumably won't be taking care of it. <g> (And maybe most telling of all -- Clark *lets* her! LOL!)

Most memorable dialogue:

"Come on, Clarkie."
"We're not calling him Clarkie!"
"Is it just the "ie" you don't like? Because we can change *your* name ..."

LOL, it was cute.

I also liked how Jonathan and Martha just treat Lois like one of the family, like one of their own kids ... it's like they somehow know she's going to end up being their daughter-in-law. wink (Though I'll raise the same "oh give me a break" that I did for L&C's GGGoH -- you're trying to tell me that a big farmhouse like that only has two bedrooms?? Plu-eze.)

Side plots ... Chloe's still dropping hints, still being the perfect girl for Clark. You know, I love her, I feel sorry for her, but she needs to move on. I can see the writing on the wall now, though, that she will become the "Lana" character from the comics. The girl who loved him from afar, knew his secret, but was left behind heartbroken.

Lex/Genevieve/Jason/Lionel/Lana ... um, ok, whatever ... MR is still being totally wasted, Genevieve still gives me the major heebie-jeebies, mildly interesting to learn some more about the Countess woman's ancient past. Jason/Lana ... well, I guess I knew they couldn't stay happy. I still like him, even though he's apparently been lying to Lana. I want him to remain a good guy, though.

Next week's preview ... wow, and I thought I was dreading Krypto from the previews. This could be an interesting episode, or it could be really, really hokey. When it was over, I turned to my husband and said, "What is this? Smallville meets Angel?"

OK, now it's your turn -- I can't be the only one with an opinion about this episode!
