Just read this little tidbit on Kryptonsite (a Smallville fan site, for those not in the fandom):

CBS Sends Former "Superman" To The Dugout
The new TV series Clubhouse which starred former Superman Dean Cain (from Lois & Clark) has been sent back to the minors. After a dreadful Saturday night debut, the network that requires "CSI" to be in the show's title to ensure success has decided to axe the show.

What does this mean for Smallville? Well, it means that Dean Cain may soon be looking for a job. So, Al, Miles... one former Superman helped young Clark Kent on his quest in "Rosetta" and "Legacy"... perhaps it's time to bring in a protege or offspring for Dr. Swann. 22 million former Lois & Clark viewers may be watching... too bad his desperate housewife can't join him.
Big fat bummer. The show was cute, but I can kind of see that it had very limited appeal. How much can be done around the antics of a bat boy?

Sorry Dean. frown Hope to see you on Smallville...


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah