Teri's charcter, Susan, definately took a Lois Lane turn this week, borrowing a neighbor's car to follow Zack's dad and find out where Zack was, then claiming to be writing on the subject of troubled children so her sidekick daughter could sneak in and see Zack.

The Mom with the boys, Lynette?, ROCKED with the whole alpha-mom confrontation. I would loved to have seen her kick that other mom's politically correct hind end. I have no patience with that kind of person and just get really fustrated with that kind of passive aggressive BS, so having Lynnette face that wench down was rocking and uplifting!

Gabby's mom-in-law is a hoot. She's got Gabby pegged now I think.

Poor Bree, but hey, she's practical, I'll give her that. Cheese stains are a pain in the arse to get out.