The truth for me was I really want someone else to ran. Bush I thought was to off on jobs but Kerry had good points and if it had been anyone but him making them I would have wanted that person to win. My problem with Kerry was he was always changing his mind. He never stuck with anything.

But I have to say I really respected Kerry for not dragging us through another 2000 which was a nightmare. I truely believe the Kerry wanted what is best for the USA but the problem is like with me and the rest of us what we think is Best for the USA sometimes doesn't match what Rep/Dem think is.

And my Prayers on with the Edwards family in this time of trouble.

P.S. Something my Mom said right after the last debate. How can they say who won a debate because it's not who wins but who you agree with that your going to vote for.

Love Is the One Thing That Never Ends.