Anyone that really knows me knows that I'm into numerology and astrology. I have to point out a couple of weird things between Christopher Reeve and his "replacement" - (big shoes to fill, Brandon - be wary) -Brandon Routh.

Christopher Reeve was a Libra = born 9/25/52. Libra is the sign of balance and of the scales. They like everything to be fair and equal.

Brandon Routh was born 10/09/1979. Also a Libra.

Christopher Reeve was born in '52 and died at age 52. Total balance of the scales.

Brandon Routh was born on 10/09 and Christopher Reeve died on 10/10.

Is that a little eerie or what?

Just something to make you go "hmmmmmmmmm"


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"