Many years ago I got one of those Lois & Clark "Love in Metropolis" T-shirts from the WB studio store catalog. (Actually two, one I wore a lot and one I never wore.)

Yesterday I went to get my oft-worn one out of the closet, and was shocked to find there are weird stains all over the front. They're rust-colored, small, mostly circular, and they appear to only be on the white parts of the shirt (coincidence? Not sure).

What's even worse, my never-worn L&C shirt has two similar spots on the collar, and another white WB-made shirt that was hanging in the closet with them, has some rust-colored streaks on it. No other shirts seem to have been affected, including my L&C sweatshirt, which was hanging right next to them.

I inspected the hangers, they were plastic coated. No nearby hangers had rust on them. The closet is all wooden, including the shelf above, and the bar. I inspected that for some kind of liquid weirdness, but couldn't find anything.

The stains refuse to come out, so a Bleach Stick is next. I'm very sad, though, and I was wondering if this could be some sort of weird chemical reaction having to do with the fabric?

Has anyone else out there with WB shirts had a similar experience? Or does anyone recognize the rust-colored spots thing as something they've had to deal with?

Thanks frown
