I'll vote for 'share with whom'...sort of. I blog. It's a great (free!) way for my friends and I to keep in touch. So I post the link in my AIM, and for me, that's sharing with friends because only people that talk to me on a regular (sort of) basis know my AIM name and know to look for the link to my blog. So with all of us that Xanga together, it's kind of like, we're not forcing our blogs on each other, but we also know that we're all invited to read up on each others' lives.

So I guess in general, posting publically doesn't bother me, because in this case, it's really not *that* public for me. My feeling on public links, in general, is that usually people who *actually* want to look at them are going to click them, as opposed to 1200 people scratching their heads saying, "Hey! I wonder what *this* is?"


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy