I know if you guys here saw this movie some of you may be saying "what love scene?"

It was breathtakingly subtle. The look across the room, the closed door (strains of L&C), the donning of robes, the closed mouth barely lip touching kiss. I collapsed against my hubby in full on swooneyness.

This movie was all about acting and story, nothing gratuitous, nothing farcical. There was tension, there was ansgt, there was that feeling you get when you come to the end and sigh in rightfulness like everything was gonna turn out exactly right.

I'm not anything about Tom Cruise, really, he is a good actor, well really good actor, but kind of squeamy and corporate(not sure if squeamy is a word ala' Lois Lane dictionary)

Monty Python guy(Cleese) played fun character, but too short for me to be satisfied.

So anyway I was breathless in the movie theatre when I saw this and I was breathless at home when I saw this and I recommend it completely.

I'm Done