...or mothers, or anyone else familiar with Early Readers. smile

My current translation project is a four-volume set of children's books on the Jewish holidays of the year. They initially gave me two months to do the first volume, but they took a month just to get back to me about the reading level they want... :rolleyes:

At any rate, I've been translating the stories and information on what I think is a first- or second-grade reading level. While my own girls are that age, their English reading skills are far weaker than their American counterparts, so I can't judge by their own abilities. So I could really use some help in determining if I'm actually on target.

If anyone out there teaches first/second grade, or is a mother that is familiar with that reading level, and wouldn't mind scanning a page or two to tell me if I've got the reading level right, and doesn't mind this annoyingly run-on sentence... wink I'd really appreciate it. You can snag my e-mail from my profile page.



Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827