"He's such a tool." I've heard.

Tooling around. I never hear anymore except from my grandparents. I never use it.

I hear tool used a lot in a naughty way. I have used the word doorknob in place of tool b/c of the teasing that occurs when you use tool at my workplace. Also, I've heard the naughty way on the tellie.

I hear cram all the time. Very popular here.

Mug to me is a type of cup. Again, only heard in my family. Otherwise a mug is a mug shot for criminals.

My husband is convinced it is fonging (don't know about the spelling). razz He says they say it that way in the movies and in his household (British/Cdn-Italian) when he was growing up.

Who knows!!!

Thanks for the input guys!!!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.